


A New Way to Quantify Brand Strategy

A New Way to Quantify Brand Strategy Article | By Rody Zimete In today’s data-driven marketing world, we cannot underestimate the importance of getting the relevant insights in making business decisions. Success stories, like Netflix and Amazon, are two of the examples of leveraging on the best use of data. However, it’s not all good news for most businesses. In her Ted Talk, Tricia Wang reveals that over 73% of data projects done are not profitable. Moreover, decision-makers have been left overwhelmed with tactical and operational data. More and more marketers are realizing that context and understanding are more valuable than just having the data itself. In this article, I will show you how marketers can overcome data overload by adopting an understated, yet powerful, form of measuring strategy. The era of creative-led marketing ideas is over Marketing has evolved past the ‘Mad Men era’ kind of advertising. This is where creative-led ideas promised benefits and attributes which were out of reach to most at the time. Using the mass marketing mentality, people were treated more as consumers, not humans. Thus the culture was that marketers had to ‘sell’ a brand. But this is not the ‘consumer’ of this era. The traditional way of marketing has let people down. With scams running rampage, especially in this internet age, this had put pressure on them to be ‘right’. As a result, they can only trust brands that are doing things the right way (according to them). People use intuition to make these kinds of decisions more than they think.  They are seeking brands that share the same belief with them. This goes beyond the benefits of the products or services they offer. Going deeper into what makes them who they are. Giving more value to the human experience to strategy than ever before. Human experience at the forefront Not focused on touchpoints (or the action was taken), human experience reveals why customers took action. Giving access to invaluable current and emerging human dynamics. This is how people relate to stories that come up in their minds when they encounter a brand, product, or service. What they remember afterward. The behavior of the humans a brand seeks to appeal is influenced by how they think about what the brand stands for. Unconsciously, they come up with expectations of how the brand should behave. This makes it easy for them to find out if things are being done the ‘right way’. For brands, a growth platform. Measuring strategy on this basis will help marketers focus on the most important thing – the human customer. A new way to quantify the strategy which overcomes data overload Behind all the data collected in marketing, today should be the need to serve people. Psychology-based insights help marketers make sense of all data points. Pin-pointing on what they need to focus on. With that, they possess a strategic view of how customers respond to the brand. At Magathium, we measure strategy using their perception and viewing the brand as a character to help marketers to:  Understanding the brand This is the basis of understanding the brand from the perceptive of the human customer. Providing the context for all tactical and operational data.  Alignment The process of becoming the brand the stakeholders expect. Developing a clear path to align these expectations to strategy.  Consistency Being fluent in the expectations of the brand and building trust Successful marketers seek to emphatically understand their people on a human level. Because people trust other people. Instead of marketers having to ‘sell’, consumers just ‘buy’ the brand. Work with Magathium Strategy

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Marketing That Matters

Marketing That Matters Article | By Rody Zimete The internet has grown global connection and communication in a way we never imagined. This has given us an easy and affordable way to tell stories about anything we care about. As recipients, we have not enjoyed being part of conversations, we craved but never had access to, as we do today. Unfortunately, this has also made us victims of unanticipated, selfish and irrelevant messages from mass marketing initiatives that have run rampage online. This has become so common that, each day, we as consumers, are learning to ignore these messages. Successful marketers today have understood the shift that happened in the 2010s and set to dominate the 2020s. From sending mass, endless and self-serving messages to unwilling recipients to delivering expected, personalized, and relevant ones. As branding and marketing practitioners, we need an approach to understand the shift in how our customers perceive and interact with our brands. An opportunity to make our stories resonate and ultimately deliver our promise. Marketing That Matters Unlike the ones that we have influencing some of the marketing decisions today, the human psychology algorithm does not change. People are drawn to great ideas that matter (to them) and love to spread them. We don’t care about those we are not interested in. It’s just noise! The decisions we make on how we interact with the world, come from our internal narratives. Having insight on what they are, where they come from, and taking time to study them, makes marketing a better servant of change. Marketing that works should seek to serve. It should strive for better. It should be human. As marketers we should have empathy towards the culture our customers subscribe to. Which will give us a superior position in telling the story that is anticipated, personal and relevant to the few it’s intended for. Ensuring that we are consistent and believable in this language becomes invaluable. In return, we get the trust that we solely need. Our Approach As Magathium, we prioritize efforts that matter to your customers. Helping you with psychology-driven and insight-led solutions that tell stories fit for your smallest viable audience. This is an opportunity to engage with the culture  of your customers with a message of the right design. This in turn creates bankable results that can be tracked to see their impact on the bottom line. Join us on this journey as we discover what makes people special to make change happen. For Better Lives. Better Communities. Better Realities. Exposing New Possibilities! Work with Magathium Strategy

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Why Deep Insights in Customer Interest and Opinion Matter in the Buyer’s Journey

Why Deep Insights in Customer Interest and Opinion Matter in the Buyer’s Journey Article | By Rody Zimete Performance measurement in marketing has been instrumental in helping marketers understand how their marketing efforts are doing. From reaching the target market to conversions. It is important, however, to get insight into the impact of what keeps the customers engaged and how they perceive it. Exploiting each moment that a customer goes through explains why these insights will lead to more sales and ultimately brand fans. Customers are interested in what matters to them Research has shown that a favorable emotional response to a story, product, or offer has a greater influence on purchasing intent than any feature. Marketers able to tell a story with value-adding reactions are seen as partakers. Their ideas are embraced and spread by this community. Insights into what these internal narratives are and knowing the nature of the stories that appeal is key to understanding customers. A customer’s perception and opinion of a brand’s marketing message can make or break current or future conversions. Growth-oriented marketers can use them to aid in decision making. The story that the brand tells has to match the emotional response the target market anticipates. If this is not met, value-destroying opinions will prevail and result in lost sales. In the Customer Journey The impact can be best understood if we analyze the buyer’s journey. Whilst it is important to know how many have seen a campaign and who took action, an exploration of the gap in-between will expose important drivers that influence a customer’s decision. Given their position and influence, understanding interest and opinions will improve the competitive advantage. Insights into them will give answers to whether or not the story appeals and do the associated emotions engage with the culture (which is people like us do things like these)? How knowing customer interests and opinions will help you Having got the data relating to these conversion-drivers, it will assist in getting human psychological traits that make up the audience. These, being based on consistent characteristics, give a better incentive on how to position the message. Psychographic segmentation, for example, will assist in coming up with the right story which will fit an audience with the same worldview. This maximizes the chance to tell a story that will get the right emotional response. Making your brand more relatable Many brands struggle to be empathic in their communication. Learning about the human traits which make up your target customers will help them to be more appealing on a personal level. That is why humanizing a brand makes it more relatable and agreeable. The human psychology algorithm does not change. Insights into these characteristics will set up a campaign to follow a psychology-driven brand strategy and have a sustainable approach in understanding how potential and current customers interact with a product, brand or offering. Success in marketing means succeeding in how humans perceive and make decisions. Being aware of what the humans we are serving prefer and value their opinions will give the brand a better edge and seen as problem-solvers! Work with Magathium Strategy

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